When dreams Come true

On Ærø, we were given a new life. A life that has provided space for curiosity and that made us aware of what our lives consist of and what should shape it in the future. We have learned what it means to dream. Dreams are the driver for our life. Dreams make us aware of the present and shape the future - if we dare to pursue them. On Ærø, there is room to bring dreams to life, and the Circus Wagon is the result of our dream of creating a life that allows us to be who we are, in the place we live. It is our dream of being able to share some of what we find most valuable with others.

Photo: Mali Lazell

The journey to Ærø

The circus wagon was built in former East Germany about 50 years ago and has since traveled all over Europe with Danish circus families. In 2021, we purchased it from Circus Baldoni to fulfill our dream.

Creative construction

There are no blueprints for remodeling a circus wagon. We had to let the old structure and its history show us the possibilities, set the limitations, and provide inspiration on how to bring our personality and creativity into play to create a place where we and others would love to be - the place we dreamed of creating.

A work of art with room for your dreams

And we are proud of the result. The wagon now demonstrates what nature does to us - how it calms the body and frees up space for our thoughts. And the art extends our thoughts and inspires us to think differently and dream.

Photo: Peter Fröhlich

See more pictures of the circus wagon
